2016. május 30., hétfő

Hettie Ivers: Fear the Heart ~Blog Tour

Fear the Heart
by Hettie Ivers
Publication date: May 24, 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Paranormal

Purchase: Amazon


Reconciling the mind and heart often provokes inner conflict. Throw in the whims of an emerging inner she-wolf entering her first heat cycle and the revenge demands of an ancient blood curse, and all bets are off!

All Milena wants is to rescue her brother and return to her life in Santa Cruz. Unfortunately, her situation in Brazil grows increasingly complicated as she uncovers more startling truths kept from her since birth–leaving her at a loss as to whom to trust and what to believe.

Caught in the crosshairs of a vicious blood feud between two rival covens, Milena finds that guarding her heart is no simple feat … not when it’s the fearsome heart of an ill-fated blood curse that’s blossoming to life within her–threatening to unlock a long-prophesied reign of darkness upon the world with the power to destroy them all.


Az első részhez hasonlóan, a folytatás is teljesen elvarázsolt. Nem tudtam letenni.
Melina az első részben eléggé elveszett volt, de ebben a könyvben már felnőtt.
Örülök hogy több információt kaptunk a boszorkánymesterekről, mint például: teleportálásra is képesek.
Elgondolkodtam rajta mi lenne, ha mi is tudnánk csak úgy ugrálni helyről-helyre, izgis lenne :)
Illetve találkozhattunk egy új szereplővel, Guadalupe személyében. Remélem a következő részben is szerepet kap.
Alex ebben a részben sokkal érzelmesebb, gyengédebb volt.

Ennek a könyvnek köszönhetően megszerettem a boszorkányokat-farkasembereket :) Köszönöm Hettie Ivers.
Hettie csodálatos világot alkotott számunkra.

My Review in English

Like the first part, the resume is completely enchanted. I couldn't put down.
Melina in the first part was quite lost, but this book has grown.
I'm glad that we got more information about the werelocks, such as: ability to teleport for it.
I thought about it we would be if we could just jump from place to place, it would thrill :)
And we met a new character, in the person of Guadalupe. I hope I can play a role in the next section.
Alex was in this section is much more emotional, more gentle.

Thanks to this book, I loved the werelocks-werewolfs :) Thanks Hettie Ivers.
Hettie created a wonderful world for us.
The sequel certainly I will read.
Hope appears as soon as possible :)

Purchase: Amazon

About Hettie Ivers

Hettie Ivers is a dedicated office drone by day and a smut storyteller by night. In early youth Hettie indulged in excessive Barbie doll play with her sisters where the complex, character-driven, twisty plot lines often went on for days and frequently involved gratuitous lava explosions, jetpack rescue missions, and very racy scenes between Babs and Ken. Over time she ditched the lava and the jetpacks.

2 megjegyzés:

  1. Thank you so much for your awesome review and for featuring my books on your blog! :) I'm so glad you enjoyed the stories.

    1. I thank you that I read the book :)
      When can we expert the new part? :P
